Loan Adjustment Form

I am requesting a loan adjustment for the following Academic Year (Select one)*

Student Information

Student Name*

Loan Adjustment Information

I wish to cancel the following loan(s) entirely (Check all that apply)
I wish to return the current credit balance/return my refund on my Student Account to my to loan:

I wish to partially reduce/increase the following loan(s):

Note: Fees are deducted from each federal loan disbursement. Therefore, the amount you receive (net amount) will be less than the amount you request (gross amount). When completing this form please indicate the net amount you wish to change, and we will calculate the fees.

Apply adjustment to the following term (Check all that apply)*
Graduate Plus Loan
*This form is to be used to adjust an existing Graduate Plus Loan. This form cannot be used to request an initial Graduate Plus Loan. To do so, please apply at
Private Loan:
Unsubsidized Stafford Loan


My signature below acknowledges that a reduction in a loan(s) may result in a balance due on my account and that I am responsible for the amount due.  It is my responsibility to review my eBill and resolve my balance in order to prevent a late fee and/or financial hold on my account.

I also understand that if the loan has already disbursed, a borrower may cancel a loan within 120 days from the date of the disbursement.  If cancelled after 120 days from the date of disbursement to my account (but within the enrollment period), I will be responsible for any interest and fees associated with this loan.

I may make changes to my loans at any time during the enrollment period up until 2 weeks prior to the end of the semester.